“Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14)
Our SENDCo is Mrs Mellor. Mrs Mellor has a wealth of experience and would be more than happy to meet you with any concerns you may have regarding your child's progress and achievement at school. As a school we offer intervention programmes to support children both in small groups and on a one to one basis. Our class interventions are targetted to meet the identified needs of individuals. Assessments take place every half term and these are followed up with a monitoring meeting between the classteacher and headteacher. Any required support is then put into place. We also offer longer term intervention such as our afternoon outside group who focus on developing communication and participation skills and our THRIVE programmes which focus on developing emotional security. Alongside this lessons are differentiated and teachers and TA's strive to deliver a curriculum that meets the needs of all children.
We currently work with the following outside agencies:
- Educational Psychologist (Devon LDP)
- Speech and Language
- Communication and Interaction Team
- Occupational Therapist
- Community Health
- School Nurse
- Behaviour Support
- 0-25 Team
Please click here to view our SEND annual report.
SENDCo contact details - Emily Mellor, 01395 266580 /
Please find below the link to Devon's Local Offer website where you can find out more about SEND pathways.
Our Ofsted 2022 inspection report highlights that:
"Teachers know pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. Pupil's needs are identified early in the early years so appropriate support can be put in place."